33 Angel Number: Meaning & Symbolism [Important]

Hey there, are you seeing the number 33 a lot lately? Well, it’s no coincidence!

The number 33 is believed to hold deep spiritual meaning and is often seen as a sign from the angels.

It’s said to symbolize growth, expansion, and spiritual evolution.

So, if you’re seeing 33 frequently, it could be a sign that your angels are trying to communicate something important to you.

Pay attention and trust your intuition to uncover the message behind this powerful number.

GrowthThe number 33 is a symbol of growth and expansion, both spiritually and materially.

This could indicate that you are about to embark on a new phase of development in your life.

Reflect on areas of your life where you are ready to grow and take steps to support this growth.
Spiritual evolutionThe number 33 is also associated with spiritual evolution and enlightenment.

It may be a sign that you are ready to take the next step on your spiritual journey.

Consider ways to deepen your spiritual practice or seek out guidance from a spiritual mentor.
Communication from angelsSeeing the number 33 repeatedly is often seen as a sign that your angels are trying to communicate with you.

Trust your intuition and listen for any messages or guidance they may be trying to impart.

Take time to meditate or journal, and pay attention to any signs or synchronistic events that may be related to the message from your angels.

The Shadow Side of the Angel Number 33

33 Angel Number: Meaning & Symbolism [Important]

While the angel number 33 is generally seen as a positive and uplifting symbol, it is important to also consider the shadow side of this number.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Lack of balance

One potential negative aspect of the number 33 is a lack of balance.

This can manifest in various ways, such as:

  • Obsessively pursuing growth and success at the expense of your well-being or relationships
  • Failing to attend to your physical, emotional, or spiritual needs while focusing solely on material goals
  • Becoming so focused on your spiritual evolution that you neglect your responsibilities in the material world

Spiritual bypassing

Another potential downside of the number 33 is the temptation to use spirituality as a means of avoiding or “bypassing” difficult emotions or challenges.

This can involve:

  • Dismissing negative emotions as “unenlightened” or “lower vibrational”
  • Believing that spirituality should always be positive and joyful, and therefore avoiding difficult emotions or experiences
  • Using spirituality as an excuse to avoid dealing with practical problems or responsibilities

Overly dogmatic or judgmental beliefs

Finally, the number 33 can also represent a tendency towards overly dogmatic or judgmental beliefs.

This might manifest as:

  • Believing that one’s own spiritual path or beliefs are superior to others
  • Being overly rigid or inflexible in one’s spiritual views
  • Using spirituality to justify judgment or criticism of others

It is important to be aware of these potential pitfalls and to strive for balance and self-awareness in your spiritual practice.

Remember to stay open to learning and growth, and to be kind and compassionate towards yourself and others.

What Does the Angel Number 33 Mean for You?

What Does the Angel Number 33 Mean for You?

The meaning of the angel number 33 can vary depending on the context and your personal circumstances.

Here are a few things to consider when interpreting this number:

Pay attention to your intuition

If you are seeing the number 33 frequently, it may be a sign that your angels are trying to communicate with you.

Pay attention to your intuition and listen for any messages or guidance they may be trying to impart.

This could involve paying closer attention to your dreams, practicing meditation or journaling, or simply being more mindful of any synchronicities or “coincidences” that may be related to the message from your angels.

Reflect on areas of growth and expansion

The number 33 is a symbol of growth and expansion, both spiritually and materially.

Consider what areas of your life you are ready to grow in, and take steps to support this growth.

This could involve setting goals, seeking out new opportunities, or simply being open to learning and trying new things.

Be open to spiritual evolution

If the number 33 is appearing to you, it may be a sign that you are ready to take the next step on your spiritual journey.

This could involve deepening your spiritual practice, seeking out a spiritual mentor, or exploring new spiritual traditions or teachings.

Remember to stay open-minded and open-hearted, and to trust your own inner wisdom as you continue to evolve spiritually.

The Angel Number 33 and Love and Relationships

The angel number 33 can also hold special meaning when it comes to love and relationships.

Here are a few things to consider:

  • Seeing the number 33 may be a sign that your angels are trying to bring more love and positivity into your life.

    This could involve new romantic opportunities, strengthening existing relationships, or simply finding more joy and fulfillment in your personal connections.

  • The number 33 is a symbol of growth and expansion, so it may indicate that a current relationship is entering a new phase of development.

    This could involve moving to the next level of commitment, resolving conflicts or challenges, or simply deepening the connection between you and your partner.

  • The number 33 is also associated with spiritual evolution and enlightenment.

    If you are seeing this number in the context of a relationship, it may be a sign that you and your partner are ready to take your spiritual connection to the next level.

    This could involve exploring new spiritual practices together or simply being more mindful of the spiritual dimension of your relationship.

The Angel Number 33 and Manifestation

The angel number 33 is often seen as a powerful symbol of manifestation and abundance.

This number is believed to hold the energy of creativity, expansion, and abundance, which can make it a helpful ally in manifesting your goals and desires.

Here are a few things to consider when it comes to the angel number 33 and manifestation:

  • Trust that the universe is supporting you in manifesting your goals and desires.

    The appearance of the number 33 may be a sign that your angels and the universe are working behind the scenes to bring your dreams to fruition.

  • Take action to bring your goals and desires into being.

    While manifestation is ultimately a process of alignment and allowing, it is also important to take practical steps towards bringing your goals into reality.

    The number 33 can be a reminder to take action and to be open to new opportunities and possibilities.

  • Remember to stay open to the unexpected.

    Manifestation is a dynamic process and the path to your goals may not always be straightforward.

    The number 33 can be a reminder to stay open to new ideas and approaches, and to trust that the universe has a plan for you.

The Angel Number 33 and Your Career and Finances

Feeling stuck in a rut with your career or finances? The angel number 33 might just be the boost you need to get things moving.

This number is all about growth, expansion, and abundance, so if you’re seeing it a lot lately, it could be a sign that your angels are trying to bring more prosperity and abundance into your life.

Here’s what you need to know:

Get ready for some career growth

If you’re feeling stagnant in your career, the appearance of the number 33 might just be the wake-up call you need to shake things up.

This number is all about expansion and growth, so it could be a sign that it’s time to take your career to the next level.

Maybe it’s time to ask for that promotion, start your own business, or pursue a new opportunity.

Whatever it is, trust that the universe has your back and go for it.

Abundance is on the horizon

Feeling a little strapped for cash lately? The number 33 could be a sign that abundance is just around the corner.

This number is all about prosperity and abundance, so if you’re seeing it a lot, it could be a sign that your angels are trying to bring more abundance into your life.

Trust that the universe has your back and take steps to manifest your financial goals.

Maybe it’s time to create a budget, start saving, or invest in something that has the potential to bring in more income.

Whatever it is, go for it and watch the abundance flow.

Trust your angels to guide you

If you’re seeing the number 33 a lot lately, it’s a clear sign that your angels are trying to guide you.

Trust your intuition and listen for any messages or guidance they may be trying to impart.

This could involve paying closer attention to your dreams, practicing meditation or journaling, or simply being more mindful of any synchronicities or “coincidences” that may be related to the message from your angels.

Trust that your angels have your best interests at heart and are there to support you in achieving your goals.

Is the Angel Number 33 a Good Number in Numerology?

In numerology, the number 33 is often seen as a powerful and auspicious number.

This number is believed to hold the energy of creativity, expansion, and abundance, and is often associated with spiritual evolution and enlightenment.

Here are a few things to consider when it comes to the angel number 33 and numerology:

  • The number 33 is a master number in numerology, which means that it is believed to hold a higher vibration and a greater potential for manifestation.

    If you are seeing the number 33 frequently, it may be a sign that the universe is trying to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life.

  • The number 33 is also believed to be a powerful symbol of creativity and self-expression.

    If you are seeing this number, it may be a sign to tap into your creative potential and to explore new ideas and opportunities.

  • In numerology, the number 33 is often associated with the energies of compassion, kindness, and service.

    If you are seeing this number frequently, it may be a sign to pay attention to your relationships and to consider how you can serve and support others in your life.

Overall, the number 33 is generally seen as a positive and uplifting symbol in numerology.

If you are seeing this number frequently, it may be a sign that the universe is trying to bring more abundance, prosperity, and positivity into your life.

Trust your intuition and listen for any messages or guidance from your angels, and take steps to manifest your goals and desires.

Sassy Conclusion: How to Make the Most of the Angel Number 33

So, you’ve been seeing the number 33 a lot lately and you’re wondering what it all means.

Here’s the bottom line: this number is all about growth, expansion, and abundance, so if you’re seeing it a lot, it could be a sign that your angels are trying to bring more prosperity and positivity into your life.

Here are a few sassy tips to help you make the most of this powerful number:


Your angels are trying to communicate with you, so pay attention to your intuition and listen for any messages or guidance they may be trying to impart.

This could involve practicing meditation or journaling, or simply being more mindful of any synchronicities or “coincidences” that may be related to the message from your angels.

Trust that your angels have your best interests at heart and are there to support you in achieving your goals.


The number 33 is all about growth and expansion, so take some time to reflect on areas of your life where you are ready to grow.

This could involve setting goals, seeking out new opportunities, or simply being open to learning and trying new things.

Trust that the universe has your back and take steps to support your growth.


The number 33 is also a symbol of spiritual evolution and enlightenment, so if you’re seeing it a lot, it could be a sign that you’re ready to take the next step on your spiritual journey.

Consider ways to deepen your spiritual practice, such as seeking out a spiritual mentor or exploring new spiritual traditions or teachings.

Remember to stay open-minded and open-hearted, and to trust your own inner wisdom as you continue to evolve spiritually.


The number 33 is all about abundance and prosperity, so if you’re seeing it a lot, it could be a sign that it’s time to manifest your goals and desires.

Trust that the universe has your back and take steps to bring your goals into being.

This could involve creating a budget, saving money, or investing in something that has the potential to bring in more income.

Whatever it is, go for it and watch the abundance flow.


Trust your intuitionReflect on areas of growthBe open to spiritual evolutionManifest your goals and desires
Pay attention to your intuition and listen for any messages or guidance from your angelsTake time to reflect on areas of your life where you are ready to grow and take steps to support this growthConsider ways to deepen your spiritual practice and be open to new spiritual teachings and traditionsTrust that the universe has your back and take steps to bring your goals and desires into being